I found that the blog loaded slow, yeah right, slow server, slow internet connection. Nope… well could but not likely.
Hi there welcome to my corner of the internet…
Samba server not showing in the “Networks” folder
I finally solved my problem of not seeing my linux samba server in the windows “Networks” folder. I could access it by its hostname and/or ip-address, but I could not browse to it. So keeping all windows and linux settings the same (apart from its workgroup name) is default it still did not work.
Wide Range Led Driver
I wanted to have LED’s in my Spyker KAT, but I want them directly to the battery and nospecial 5 V connections. The battery can be a 2S or a 3S (8.4 or 12.6 volts).
Update wordpress on the command line
Just for my backup, login to the wordpress server, and change to the root of where you have wordpress living, I was lazy and chose the default CENTOS apache directory. .