Since I had a running docker installation and wanted to host something like github. I do not want to be dependend on things. I stubled upon gitlab-ce, the comunity edition. That was what I was looking for. Installed it an I am still running it. A nice feature of gitlab is, that it facilitates CI/CD with one simple file, so a number of my projects I automated using the yml files, including this site.
On a commit, depending on the branch a build is done and the results pushed to the relevant position.
Visual Code, platformio, esp32 and “power electronics”
Because I wanted a new desklight with high cri ledstrips and multiple colour temparatures. The start and end postions had to be variable and controlable via a single rotatry button (with builtin switch) and the idication of the ‘menu’ had to be a neopixel. Neo pixel off: dim the leds; green: change the start position; purple: change the length; blue: change the colour temperature. It is also controllabel via http requests. Hosted on Desklight on Github.
My firewall at home…
At my current job the scripting language switched from Perl/Bash to python, so I had to learn it. The most recent substantial thing I did in python was the port of eyefiserver from python 2 to python 3. Hosted on Eyefy2 on Github.
Docker, containers and images. Why? My main reson is that I do not want to conterminate my main system with all kinds of modules. Or even worse, make it unusable. At the time Centos 7 had python 2.7 but some of software I was running moved to a newer version of python 3.x. Upgrading Centos to a version 3 of python would break te server. When looking at alternatives, I could run a vm or get docker with containers. For a while I ran vm’s, but the overhead was substantial, so I started looking for alternatives and I enden up with docker and still running strong.
On and of I did some Java progaming and I am a java certifed progammer (had to do the course).
XML is not that hard, XML Schema too. XSLT is an other way of thinking!
Once you know C, C++ isn’t that hard.
Oracle, MSSQL, MySql, postgresql
RedHat Certified Engineer since 2005, not valid anymore, but I am very experienced in Red Hat linux. My current server is Centos 8 with ZFS and docker, I have no use for kubernetes at home (just one server and it is of no use to make vm’s on it (a wast of resources)! Experinced in creating rpm’s also with install depenencies.
Assembler ( ARM, 65(C)02, 68000, 8051, F66 (Siemens), 288 (Medtronic) )
Started with the 6502, then ARM (in 1998) the 68000 and 8051 in about the same period, finisching of with the latter ones in 1998