This post is part of the calibration series.

This is a copy of the last part of G29 - Bed Leveling (Unified). I am googleing this page so for furture reference I place my most used part here.

    M190 S80      ; Not required, but having the printer at temperature helps accuracy
    M104 S225     ; Not required, but having the printer at temperature helps accuracy

    G28           ; Home XYZ.
    G29 P1        ; Do automated probing of the bed.
    G29 P2 B T    ; Manual probing of locations. USUALLY NOT NEEDED!
    G29 P3 T      ; Repeat until all mesh points are filled in.

    G29 T         ; View the Z compensation values.
    G29 S1        ; Save UBL mesh points to EEPROM.
    G29 F 10.0    ; Set Fade Height for correction at 10.0 mm.
    G29 A         ; Activate the UBL System.
    M500          ; Save current setup. WARNING - UBL will be active at power up, before any G28.
